History is the best textbook and the best sobering agent.2023The year coincides with Comrade Mao Zedong’s birthday130Anniversary,In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party,Profound understanding of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Deepen the study and bet365 login games of party history,6month3日,Part of the party members and probationary party members of the student first party bet365 login games of the School of Computer Science, Central South University51People went to Shaoshan to carry out theme bet365 login games party day activities.
When arriving in Shaoshan, the party members and comrades of the bet365 login games first went to Chairman MaoMemorial Hall,Feel Chairman Mao’s different life stages in the memorial hall。Since childhood"The child is determined to leave his hometown,I will never return it if I don’t become famous after learning。"When I was young, I felt lonely,Ask the vast earth,Who rules the ups and downs?"When I reach my prime, "the great pass and the long road are as true as iron,Now we are taking a step back。"When you reach middle age, "If the sky is sentimental, the sky will also grow old,The right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life。”Finally returned to Shaoshan in his later years,"Sacrifices are so ambitious,Dare to teach the sun and moon to change the sky。”Chairman Mao’s poems reflect changes in his thoughts throughout his life,Also demonstrates the charm of Mao Zedong Thought。bet365 login games members and comrades in every part of the exhibition on Chairman Mao’s life,I can’t help but stop and stay,Feel that era,Feel the great shock brought to us by the great man。
After,Party members and comrades of the bet365 login games went to Chairman Mao’s former residence,Feel the place where Chairman Mao once lived and struggled。
Last,Comrades go to the Bronze Statue Square,Presented a flower basket to Chairman Mao and saidThree bows in front of the tall bronze statue of Comrade Mao Zedong,Expressing respect and remembrance of the great leader of the Chinese people。After the memorial service,Facing the bright red bet365 login games flag,Comrades, party members and comrades of the bet365 login games, raise their right hands and clenched their fists,Revisit the oath of joining the Party with enthusiasmWord,Firmly adhere to the original intention of joining the bet365 login games and promise to always maintain the true qualities of a bet365 login games member.Then slowly circle around the bronze statue,Feel the great changes brought about by the Chairman in that era,Feel the hard-won happiness of life。
This theme party day activity is a vivid party spirit bet365 login games,It is a profound baptism of thought。Reminding bet365 login games members and comradesWe must follow the example of our revolutionary ancestors and never forget“The way we came”,Work hard to learn professional knowledge in the future、Do good theoretical research、Be a good disseminator of Marxism,Strive to be ideal、Dare to take responsibility、Can endure hardship、Good young people in the new era who are willing to struggle。
Written by: Dong Hangcheng
First instance: Liu Yifeng
Second trial: Wu Lepan·Battle
Third trial: Shi Jinjing