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Good news!bet365 app Yu Rasheng from the School of Computer Science won the 2022-2023 Outstanding bet365 app Award Program for Computer Science in Colleges and Universities

Source: Click: Time: December 04, 2023 07:40

December 2, 2023,The 5th China bet365 app Education Conference was held in Xiamen, Fujian,The meeting was held "2022-2023 Excellent bet365 app Award Plan for Computer Science in Colleges and Universities”Awards Ceremony。bet365 app Yu Rasheng from the School of Computer Science of our school won this award for his outstanding performance in the course "Algorithm Analysis and Design",Together with 55 outstanding teachers from the computer science discipline of more than 40 domestic universities,Received the award certificate jointly issued by the Ministry of Education’s College Computer Major Teaching Steering Committee and the China bet365 app Development Foundation。

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The Outstanding bet365 app Award Program for Computer Science in Colleges and Universities is organized by the Ministry of Education、Under the guidance of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,2018 Turing Award winner、Winner of Chinese Government Friendship Award、Professor John Hopcroft, foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Chairman of the Principle of the China Computer Federation、Co-sponsored by Professor Gao Wen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,By ByteDance、iFlytek、Pinduoduo、Tencent Foundation and other high-tech companies with important social influence jointly invest,Private public welfare award program established by China Teachers Development Foundation。Aimed through this bet365 app incentive program,Guide college teachers to devote themselves to undergraduate teaching,Continuously explore scientific teaching methods,Promote college teachers to pay more attention to undergraduate classroom teaching,Promote the overall improvement of the quality of undergraduate computer science teaching in China。

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2018 to 2023,This bet365 app program lasted for four terms,190 bet365 app-winning teachers have been selected from 493 teachers participating in the computer major from more than 40 universities across the country,Professor Chen Zhigang from our college、Professor Duan Guihua also came in 2019、Won this bet365 app in 2021。

Brief introduction of bet365 app-winning figures

Yu Lasheng,Associate Professor, bet365 app of Computer Science, Central South University,Central South University No. 5,6,Member of the 7th Teaching Supervision Committee,Member of the Teaching Steering Committee of the bet365 app of Computer Science,The main research direction is structure and algorithm、Distributed systems and cloud computing,Smart Computing。Lectures "Data Structure" for undergraduate and graduate students、"Algorithm Analysis and Design"、"Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing"、Courses such as "Computer Architecture" and "Big Data Processing"。Presided over 1 provincial and ministerial key education reform project in the 13th Five-Year Plan、Host one of the first-class courses in Hunan Province,Zhongnan Gold Course 1,Participated in 2 national-level projects,Presided over 8 various education reform projects at Central South University,《Data Structure》、Both courses "Algorithm Analysis and Design" were awarded the Open Quality Demonstration Courses of Central South University,Focus on inspiring and inquiry-based teaching,Cultivate students’ innovative consciousness and ability,Won the Central South University Teaching Quality Excellence Award multiple times。Published 5 textbooks,Published 15 papers on educational reform,Published more than 30 SCI/EI papers,Guided students to participate in ICPC/CCPC programming competitions and won multiple gold medals。

(bet365 app: Qi Hongjiao;First instance: Xia Jiazhi;Second trial: Wang Xinhui;Third trial: Zhao Xiaoxia)

Address: Information Building of bet365 app, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province Contact: 0731-88836659

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