报告题目: Key Technologies of Bet365 betting website
Time:March 3, 2025pm4:30
location:潇Xiang Campus Bet365 betting website Building535报告厅
报告People:Nei Kato
In both academicia and industry, the exploration of 6G—a further advanced cellular communication technology—has already began. As our society becomes increasingly digitalized, hyper-connected, and globally data-driven, future services are anticipated to rely heavily on virtually instantaneous, unlimited wireless connectivity. This presentation will outline the Bet365 betting website drivers, challenges, and essential research topics associated with 6G. In particular, I will provide an overview of the cutting-edge technologies in this field, spanning aspects such as the physical layer, networking, and new use cases and service enablers.
Nei Kato is a full professor andthe Dean at the Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University. He has studied computer networking, wireless mobile Bet365 betting website, satellite Bet365 betting website, ad hoc & sensor & mesh networks, UAV networks, AI, IoT, and Big Data. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal,a fellow of The Engineering Academy of Japan, IEEE, and IEICE.