Bet365 Poker title: From high-quality genome assembly to pan-genome: an introduction to several bioinformatics issues
Bet365 Poker time: March 22, 3:00 pm
Reporting location: 212, Computer Building, Main Campus
Reporter: Liang Chengzhi,Researcher at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Bet365 Poker of Sciences
Constructing high-quality genome sequences is an important foundation for genomics research。In the past ten years,DNA Bet365 Poker methods have developed rapidly,From Sanger Bet365 Poker to Bet365 Poker by synthesis,To single molecule Bet365 Poker,Bet365 Poker length、Base error rate、Costs etc. have undergone many big changes,As the data changes,What followed was the method of genome assembly、Sequence comparison methods have also undergone great changes。Currently,Single molecule Bet365 Poker due to its ultra-long Bet365 Poker fragments,Already the mainstream Bet365 Poker method used to construct high-quality genomes。The speaker will briefly review the development history of these methods,And briefly introduce some of his work in constructing high-quality genomes using single-molecule Bet365 Poker and related technologies。In addition,Due to the rapid decline in Bet365 Poker costs,It has become feasible to complete multiple high-quality genomes of a species simultaneously,Therefore, how to construct a high-quality pan-genome of a species has become an urgent problem to be solved,The speaker will also give a brief introduction。
Personal introduction:
Liang Chengzhi,Doctor,Researcher at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences。Received a PhD in genetics from the Institute of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1995,And obtained a master's degree in mathematics and computer science from the University of Waterloo, Canada in 2001。Worked at Canadian Bioinformatics Solutions Company from 2001 to 2012、Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA、The International Rice Bet365 Poker Institute of the Philippines and others are engaged in bioinformatics Bet365 Poker。Served as Chief Technical Expert of Genome Analysis Platform of Institute of Genetics and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2012。Main Bet365 Poker directions include genome assembly and gene annotation,Compare Genomes、Population genome and evolutionary analysis,Bioinformatics database and software development。Bet365 Poker work published in Nature, Science,Nature Genetics, Nature Plants, Nature Comm, Genome Res,PNAS, NAR, Molecular Plant,Bioinformatics and other mainstream academic publications。