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bet365 live casino app Report by Professor Shan Danfeng of Xi’an Jiaotong University

Source: Click: Time: August 29, 2022 10:53

bet365 live casino app title: Research on fair traffic control mechanism

bet365 live casino app Announcement Person: Shan Danfeng

Reporting location: Tencent Conference749 831 432

bet365 live casino app time:2022Year8month31Morning830

Master hold Person: Jiang Wanchun

bet365 live casino app Introduction: To provide differentiated services,Internet service providers often use traffic controllers to limit user traffic speeds。The traffic controller is implemented through the cacheless token bucket algorithm,That is, when the traffic speed exceeds the limit speed,Discard excess traffic。In traditional network,This mechanism can achieve better performance。In recent years,Under low latency requirements,A large number of new delay-based congestion control algorithms have emerged and have been deployed on a large scale in existing networks。We found,When these new delay-based congestion control algorithms and traditional packet loss-based congestion control algorithms pass through the flow controller at the same time,New congestion control algorithm will occupy most of the bandwidth,leading to serious unfairness problems。This bet365 live casino app will introduce our analysis and solutions to the unfairness problem of traffic control mechanism in a heterogeneous congestion control algorithm environment。

Speaker profile:Shan Danfeng,Associate professor of Xi'an Jiaotong bet365 live casino app,Master’s Tutor。Main research direction is data center network、Congestion control algorithm、Switch cache management, etc.。Received a PhD in Engineering from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University in 2018,Won the Outstanding Doctoral Thesis of Tsinghua University and the Outstanding Doctoral Graduate of the Computer Science Department of Tsinghua University。at IEEE/ACM TON、IEEE JSAC、Published more than 20 bet365 live casino app papers in important international journals and conferences on networking such as IEEE INFOCOM,Hosted 1 National Natural Science Foundation of China project

Address: Information Building of Central South bet365 live casino app, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province Contact: 0731-88836659

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