bet365 online casino title:PacBio HiFi data assembly and application
bet365 online casino time:September 27Sunday morning9:00-10:00
Tencent Conference:937-614-914
Reporter: bet365 online casino Li Heng
About the speaker:
Harvard Medical bet365 online casino andDana-FarberAssistant bet365 online casino of Biomedical Informatics, Cancer Institute. won2012 Benjamin Franklin Life Sciences Awardand2021Sloan Award。Main bet365 online casino areas include genomics、Population Genetics、Phylogeny and Network Dynamics。LeaderDesign of SAM format, created SAMTools/htsliband developedBWA and minimap2Sequence comparison tools. Participate in international projects1000 Genomes ProjectandHuman Pangenome Reference project. in top international journalsNature,Nature Biotechnology、Nature Methods,Nature communications、Genome Biology、NUCLEIC ACIDS bet365 online casino、Bioinformaticsand others have published many highly cited papers. Google Scholar total citations173012,h-index 64。