Reporter:Wei Hongjiang, Shanghai Jiao Tong Bet365 sportsbook review; Zhang Yuyao, ShanghaiTech Bet365 sportsbook review
Reporting location:Online,
Bet365 sportsbook review time:2024Year1month29Sunday morning10:00-12:00。
Bet365 sportsbook review title: Multi-parameter integrated magnetic resonance quantitative imaging technology based on deep learning。
Personal introduction:
Wei Hongjiang,Permanently appointed associate Bet365 sportsbook review、Doctoral Supervisor、National Young Talent。 Research direction:MRIQuick、Quantitative、Multi-modal integrated imaging;Deep Learning Magnetic Resonance Reconstruction;QSMTechnology development and application, etc. Within the past five yearsBrain, NeuroImage, IEEE TMI, MRMetc.SCIJournal published papers80Remaining articles, authorized patent5item。Host the major research program cultivation project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China、Youth Project、Shanghai Science and Technology Commission Explorer Project、Shanghai Brain Science and Brain-inspired Center Project, etc.。 Lab website
Zhang Yuyao, assistant Bet365 sportsbook review, doctoral supervisor, researcher,Shanghai Young Oriental Scholars。Research direction: Efficient computed tomography technology based on deep learning、Magnetic resonance image denoising、Super-resolution and image reconstruction methods。Top Bet365 sportsbook review journals and conferences in the field in the past five years,such asNeuroimage、IEEE TMI、IEEE JBHI、Human Brain Mapping、Brain、MRM、NMR in Biomedicine、JMRI、Journal of Neurosurgery、NeurIPS、IJCAI、CVPR、MICCAI、ISMRM、ISBI、EMBCandSIGGRAPHWaiting for publication60More papers. International Society for Magnetic ResonanceISMRMMember,AAAI 2022Senior Program Committee Member of the Conference,Host the National Natural Science Foundation of China projectone item。Lab homepage:
Bet365 sportsbook review Introduction:
Fast, quantitative, multi-modal integrated magnetic resonance imagingMRIMulti-quantitative imaging technology plays an important role in brain science research and early diagnosis of diseases,However,3DHigh-resolution multi-modal quantificationMRIOften require multiple scans,Long scanning time leads to clinical inapplicability。Use brand new3DIntegrated acquisition of high-resolution and multi-quantitative parameters of the whole brainMRINew sequence,And with the help ofAIReconstruction technology, available at8-9Can complete the whole brain within minutes3D, Submillimeter level multi-quantitative parameter integrated imaging,Greatly improve imaging efficiency.