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Study and Engineering News

The 2019 Class Experience Sharing and Exchange Meeting and Internship Mobilization Meeting for Software Engineering of the bet365 live casino games of Computer Science was successfully held

Source: Click: Time: April 21, 2022 11:49

April 202220Sunday 2pmhalf, bet365 live casino games of Computer Sciencebet365 live casino games Engineering2019 Internship Mobilization bet365 live casino gamesIn the form of online bet365 live casino gamesSmoothlyConvened。Attending the conference was Shi Jianquan, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the bet365 live casino games of Computer ScienceVice President Kui Xiaoyan、Internship instructors Fei Hongxiao and Yu Song、bet365 live casino games18th-level counselor Wang Ruiqing、Level 19 Counselor Liao Fanyi,And all the bet365 live casino games level 19 students. This bet365 live casino games is hosted byTeacher Fei HongxiaoHost.

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First, Vice President Kui Xiaoyan spoke。Dean Kui emphasized the importance of bet365 live casino games,Work and employment require real materials,Prove your ability with practical actions,Internships cannot be formalistic,Require students to abide by bet365 live casino games regulations,Representing Central South University seriously、Complete the bet365 live casino games in a down-to-earth manner。Last,Dean Kui wishes the students a successful completion of their bet365 live casino games,Get credits,Step by step,Draw a successful conclusion to your college career。

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NextShi JianquanDeputy Secretary Speech。Secretary Shi warned the students to correct their bet365 live casino games attitude first,All bet365 live casino games activities should comply with education and training standards,Secondly, the purpose of the bet365 live casino games must be clearly defined,Filing up gaps through bet365 live casino games,Improve practical ability。and,Secretary Shi also emphasized the importance of safety,Require everyone to strictly abide by laws and regulations related to epidemic prevention and control,Cooperate with local anti-epidemic policies,At the same time pay attention to personal safety,Pay attention to precautions,Take care of yourself,And I wish this bet365 live casino games a successful conclusion。

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Next, teacher Fei Hongxiao will explain in detail about credits、bet365 live casino games requirements。Teacher Fei explained the teaching content that should be completed in the seventh and eighth semesters starting from the credits,Require students to complete the bet365 live casino games seriously,Submit bet365 live casino games report as scheduled,And explained the bet365 live casino games regulations in detail、bet365 live casino games Classification、bet365 live casino games Document Format、Submission of bet365 live casino games documents and other contents。Later, Teacher Fei also provided relevant guidance on how to write a graduation thesis,Answer the questions raised by the students one by one,Resolved many students’ questions and confusion。

Then Mr. Wang Ruiqing explains career planning。Teacher Wang first told the students that they should start thinking about their career choices as soon as possible、Start planning,And pass the bet365 live casino gamesStatistics on various data at level 18,Analysis of the current postgraduate research guarantee of the Software Department of the bet365 live casino games of Computer Science、Postgraduate entrance examination、Employment, etc.。At the same time, Teacher Wang reminds everyone that internship experience is not only helpful for employment interviews,It is also very helpful for postgraduate entrance examination re-examination,And hope that everyone should actively search for information、Get information、Ask for help、Seize the opportunity,Be responsible for yourself。

Four outstanding people were also invited to this bet365 live casino games18th-grade seniors graduated from the postgraduate program、Postgraduate entrance examination、Internship and employment、Detailed explanation and experience sharing on four aspects of studying abroad。Senior Yao Wenjin, who is studying at the bet365 live casino games of Software and Microelectronics at Peking University, introduced how to study and his own experience。Senior Li Yujie, who successfully landed with an impressive score of 418 points, introduced the postgraduate entrance examination planning and schedule to the students。Senior Dong Runze, who received an offer from Ant Group with an SP rating, introduced the internship interview methods and techniques to the students。Senior Huang Zhuoqi, who is about to attend the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, introduced to the students the process of studying abroad and the various situations they may currently face。

Ended with the wonderful explanations of several senior students,The history of this bet365 live casino gamesThree hours ended successfully.

The convening of this internship mobilization meeting,Not only enhances students’ emphasis on internship and their sense of responsibility for internship work,It also improved everyone’s safety awareness during the internship。Experience sharing from fellow seniors,It is also very effective in helping students make detailed plans for their career choices,Greatly improved everyone’s motivation and efficiency。Final blessing bet365 live casino gamesGrade 19 students can make good career plans,Successfully completed the bet365 live casino games。

Reporter: Tao Yongdong

Instructor: Liao Fanyi

Address: Information Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province Contact: 0731-88836659

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