Carry out theme bet365 online sports betting,It is the urgent need to use the party’s innovative theory to guide the new era and new journey,Carry out theme bet365 online sports betting,We must adhere to the unity of knowledge and action、Put what you have learned。In order to give full play to the leading role of theme bet365 online sports betting in the growth process of students,22:30 pm on May 27, 2023,School of Computer ScienceOn the road to pursuing dreams in 2023,Let’s move forward together”The bet365 online sports betting assistant exchange symposium was held as scheduled in the ZTE teacher-bet365 online sports betting interaction corridor on the first floor of the Information Building。Shi Jianquan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the College、Team instructor Liu Shuoshuo attended this event,Participating in the event were also 19th grade graduate bet365 online sports betting assistants and all working assistants of the college。
At the beginning of the event, Deputy Secretary of the College Party Committee Shi Jianquan spoke to the bet365 online sports bettingThe team’s work is affirmed,Point out the important role played by the team in the work of the college,Affirmed the strong service spirit and team spirit shown by the team at work。At the same time,Secretary Shi also expressed his supportGraduating Grade 19 bet365 online sports bettingbet365 online sports bettingReluctance,GivenBeautifulBest wishes andFutureLooking forward to it.
Continue,The 19th-grade bet365 online sports betting assistant shared his experience in the course with his classmates、Graduation job search、Relevant experience in postgraduate entrance examination, public examination, etc.,Emphasized to the junior bet365 online sports bettingAs soon as possibleThe importance of planning for the future,Enable bet365 online sports bettingHave a clearer idea of future career plans.At the same time,As a bet365 online sports betting party member, you should consciously connect your personal life pursuits with the future and destiny of the motherland and nation,Contribute your youthful wisdom to the great cause of building the motherland,Reflects the responsibility and responsibility of party members。Otherwise,The seniors also shared how bet365 online sports betting work has helped and improved their abilities in various aspects,Expressing gratitude and reluctance to the bet365 online sports betting team。

Subsequently,The host played for everyone a blessing video shot by assistants from freshman to junior year,Blessings,Blessings,Let the seniors who are about to graduate and move away once again feel the warmth of the bet365 online sports betting family,“Family” culture shines in this simple video,Scorching brilliance。
To enhance the feelings of the bet365 online sports betting team,Cultivation of tacit understanding in the team,Make the atmosphere more relaxed and exciting,Three mini-games were launched during the event“Guess the idiom”, “Digital bomb”, “Guess who I am”。Everyone’s enthusiastic participation,Intimate interaction makes the team atmosphere more harmonious,The activities are going more smoothly and happily。
Event last,All members of the bet365 online sports betting team take a group photo,Activity ended successfully。This farewell party expresses heartfelt wishes to the seniors福,believeFarewell will not make us farther apart,The bet365 online sports betting team family will always be a warm harbor in everyone’s heart。

Author:He Songlin Liu XinghaoLiu Shuoshuo
First instance:Liu Shuoshuo Li Meng
Second trial:Shi Leihong
Third trial:Shi Jinjing