This year marks the tenth anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s visit to the Powder Metallurgy Research bet365 online sports betting mobile of our school,In response to the call of the school youth league committee,November 17,Computer Communication Class 2316 held a group day event this month,The location is chosen at the Powder Metallurgy Research bet365 online sports betting mobile of the school,Aimed to pass the visit、Experience and seminar methods,Let the students feel more deeply the hard-working spirit of Zhongnan people to serve the country through science and technology。
Before the event,Through the early introduction by Wang Ling, the Communist Youth League Secretary,The students briefly learned about the basic overview of the Powder Metallurgy Research bet365 online sports betting mobile。
Subsequently,Class members enter the Powder Metallurgy Research bet365 online sports betting mobile in an orderly manner,Go on site visit。The instructor’s explanation helped the students gradually understand the composition of the Powder Metallurgy Research bet365 online sports betting mobile、History、Leadership Care、Development concepts and various advanced materials, etc.。The bet365 online sports betting mobile pursues “building a large platform,Undertake big projects,Produce big results,The development concept of “making great contributions”,This deeply impressed the visiting students。During the visit,Students also learned about the outstanding talents of the powder metallurgy team,Ru Huang Peiyun、Jin Zhanpeng、Huang Boyun、Liu Jinchuan and many other scientific researchers。After,Staff guide students to put on disposable gloves,Experience various advanced materials in person,such as tungsten alloy、Carbide shield tool、c/c composite materials, etc.,This made all the students more deeply understand the importance of the "important weapons" of a great country,Full of admiration for the hard-working spirit of Zhongnan people。
After the visit,Students divided into groups to actively discuss,Everyone has his own opinion,Expressed his admiration for the scientific and technological workers in Central and South Africa and his yearning for scientific research。Among them,Weng Bo said: “The bet365 online sports betting mobile metallurgy laboratory serves as our advanced scientific research base at Central South University,Be brave in taking responsibility in the era of reform and construction、Forge ahead,Successfully completed various tasks assigned by the party and the country。I believe in this openness today、A new era,We can also dare to break through、Strive for the top,Guided by the innovative concept emphasized by General Secretary Xi Jinping,Complete the responsibility and glorious mission entrusted to our new generation of youth by the times。”
Last,The class cadres summarized this activity,Pointed out that the theme of this group day activity is "Retracing the footsteps and learning again",Visit around、Three aspects of experience and bet365 online sports betting mobile。The activity is introduced by the instructor、Students’ learning、Conducted through practice and discussion,Everyone gained a lot from the group day activities。
Author:Li Xiaopeng
Photography: Weng Bo
Editors: Huang Rui, Lu Shiman
First instance: Chen Siyu
Second trial: Shi Leihong
Third trial: Wang Xinhui