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The college carries out preliminary inspection work for the 2019 Bet365 games graduation projects (theses)

Source: Click: Time: March 21, 2019 10:21

The afternoon of March 20, 2019,Professor Zhou Guorong, an expert from the school supervision team, led a team of five people to inspect the preliminary work of our college’s 2019 Bet365 games graduation project (thesis) in the 308 conference room of the computer building,Graduation Project Assignment、Graduation project topics in the past three years、Check the reference requirements of the mission statement,And give effective feedback and suggestions,Kui Xiaoyan, deputy dean of the college in charge of Bet365 games teaching、Teachers from the Academic Affairs Office and deputy directors of each department participated in the inspection meeting。

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At the meeting, Vice President Kui Xiaoyan and the deputy directors of each department of the college introduced the preliminary work and self-examination of the graduation project of the college and each department respectively,Relevant work has been highly praised by supervision experts,At the same time, the supervision experts also put forward specific requirements for the mid-term and post-graduation work,And it is emphasized that graduation project topics cannot be repeated、Need to read 8-10 Chinese and English references,Don’t have too many foreign references,Reference book required,All departments and colleges must be strict in reviewing graduation thesis,Ensuring the quality of talent training。Dean Kui and the deputy directors of each department thanked the experts from the school’s supervision team for their valuable suggestions,And stated that they will conscientiously improve and rectify the problems based on the feedback from the supervision experts,Be sure to do the work related to the 2019 Bet365 games graduation project (thesis) as required。

Address: Bet365 games Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province Contact: 0731-88836659

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