It is another Bet365 sportsbook review training season. In this special period of this year,Freshmen of the class of 2020,Come to Zhongnan with their unique youthful vitality,Start their college careers。And me,I am Bet365 sportsbook review fortunate to know such energetic faces。
Today is the first day of training,Due to weather conditions and event arrangements,Today’s formal training time is not very long,But there are also some comrades who left a deep impression on me。Remember a comrade,is a Bet365 sportsbook review training leader,On his first official day of work,Due to physical reasons,Had to leave the training ground temporarily。But he did not leave his work behind,But hand over work to other responsible persons in an orderly manner,Find your own roommate to replace you。Just after the first day of training,Also asked me about today’s teaching arrangements,Despite being in quarantine,Despite being very unwell,He is still trying his best to understand the needs of his classmates and provide feedback,Do your job well。this,This is the sense of responsibility that our Bet365 sportsbook review training needs to bring to new students、Collective consciousness。
In addition,I am also very happy to have a girl。While practicing taking off and putting on the hat,What should I do if she is worried that the hat will look ugly?,Want to adjust。I told her,This is the training ground,Obey orders and follow instructions is the only thing you have to do。I am ready to emphasize discipline again,However, what is unexpected is,In practice,She didn’t make a single move,Even though the hat is not straight, the hair is messy。this,It is also the sense of obedience that our Bet365 sportsbook review training needs to teach。
In this short first day,Their performance really exceeded my expectations。I believe,In subsequent Bet365 sportsbook review,They will definitely make me proud。
(Author: Chen Long)