Today is the first day of bet365 live casino games training,This is also the first day that I became a real instructor。As an instructor giving training for the first time,Despite half a month of training,Repeated the Four Sessions teaching countless times,Practiced many queue movements,How can we really face this group of high-spirited teenagers,I’m still a little uneasy。I’m worried that my ability is limited and I can’t teach the movements well,Worried about not properly controlling the training intensity and causing injuries to classmates,Worried about loose discipline because I am not serious enough......
But breakthrough is necessary,This is my original intention for participating in the bet365 live casino games camp。After a short period of mental detention,The panic after action,I am from Xi’an, standing in front of my classmates with a red face and a steady heart, giving instructions、Teach and correct their mistakes,Even a joke,It’s not a difficult task。
It’s the first day after all,Students are not aware enough in many aspects,The meeting will be late,Not neatly dressed,Lazy style,But I believe in the later running-in,These problems will be solved。
I believe,This special bet365 live casino games training under the epidemic,It will definitely temper their will,To form a good style for future college students、Lay the foundation for cultivating excellent character。Students in grade 20 will definitely live up to their mission,Strict demands on yourself,Complete bet365 live casino games training tasks seriously,I gained something from bet365 live casino games training,Grow together!
(Author:Huang Xiaoya)