3month7pm on the 9th, Software Bet365 games2102 Bet365 games at the new campus of Central South UniversityA317Held with“New chapter of the passionate Winter Bet365 games”,Summary class meeting of the November group day activities with the theme of "Do not slack off and look towards the future",The class meeting was hosted by Zhang Xinhe, secretary of the Communist Youth League,All league members and youth league committee members attended this summary meeting。
Beginning of meeting,The Communist Youth League Secretary first emphasized that the Beijing Winter Bet365 games is an important event related to national honor,The spirit advocated by the Winter Bet365 games is also worth learning by all members,We should understand the Winter Bet365 games culture,Deeply cultivate patriotism and national self-confidence,Every member of the team should actively pay attention to this Winter Bet365 games,Participate in ice and snow sports within the scope of your ability。Then,The League Secretary pointed out that many League members are not paying attention to similar important national events、Questions not concerned,Hope to pay attention and correct it in the future,Have a good guiding effect on the members。
Then,All members of the Youth League Committee of the Bet365 games led all members of the Bet365 games to reviewWatch this Beijing Winter Bet365 gamesandEvery sessionThe achievements of Chinese athletes in the Olympic Bet365 games,Let the studentsHave a deeper understanding of Bet365 games in our countryDevelopment History,EncouragementStudents internalize the Olympic spirit in their hearts,Externalize the power of serving the country,On the road to Bet365 games a modern and powerful socialist countryShow your worth.
The meeting is about to end,The League Secretary summarized this meeting,Ask random questions about the content in the meeting,Intensified the impact Bet365 games meeting,And issued a call to all participating members,I hope everyone can actively participate in sports,Let’s understand each other、Friendship、The Olympic spirit of unity and fair competition shines brightly in China。
Reporter: Zhao Boxin、Li Binghan
Instructor: Zhou Qinghan