Live Casino bet365 issue
Second day of Live Casino bet365 training,Students are very enthusiastic about Live Casino bet365 training,Gather the team in an orderly manner,Steady eyes,Looking forward to the new day that is about to begin。
After the report as the instructors gathered,Freshmen started Live Casino bet365 training course。In this battle with myself,Everyone is unwilling to be at a disadvantage,The shouts of the company come and go,Changing the intestines,Also recognized by the company commander。After the task is assigned,Each platoon leads its own training。
Today’s training task is a single soldier formation exercise,From the initial piecemeal movements, students gradually developed the habit of reporting for wrong actions,To gradually become uniform。Strangeness from the beginning,Gradually understand the essentials of movements,The students’ confidence spread from their hearts to their faces。After practicing for a period of time,The company organizes instructors from each platoon to conduct action demonstrations,The instructors’ neat movements and serious expressions,Let everyone understand what true Live Casino bet365 style is,At the same time, he became more determined to train seriously。
The afternoon Live Casino bet365 continues,Hot weather and tired body,What didn’t stop me was the enthusiasm of the students,The gun explanation that everyone has been waiting for has arrived as scheduled。The company commander’s words alert everyone,Guns are a very serious matter,Be respectful of guns,Weapons are cold-blooded,So no fun。The instructor used simulated firearms to demonstrate to the students,Have a preliminary understanding of the three basic gun-holding movements。
The singing activity during the break is one of the most anticipated entertainment activities after training,Every row sings loudly,The loud singing made everyone forget their fatigue,The expression reveals more joy and expectations for future Live Casino bet365 training trips。
End of the second day of training,Although it’s hard work,But the students did not have any complaints,Absolute obedience to passwords is today’s note,It will also be the main theme of the entire Live Casino bet365 training journey,I hope everyone will perform better in tomorrow’s training。
Author: Chen Yipeng, Lu Zheyu
Live Casino bet365: Chen Siyu