2019 is the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China,Standing at a new historical starting point,To better demonstrate the high-spirited and enterprising spirit of young students in the new era,Lead students to inherit and carry forward the revolutionary spirit,Actively participate in the great practice of socialism,Strive to be a qualified builder and reliable successor of socialism with Chinese characteristics,The college has decided to hold the "Inheriting the Red Gene",Live up to the mission of youth” Red bet365 login games Reading Competition。The specific matters are now notified as follows:
1. Activity theme
Inherit the red gene and live up to the mission of youth
2. Activity objects
Undergraduate and graduate students in the bet365 login games of Computer Science
3. Organizational structure
Computer Youth League Committee
IV. Activity Arrangement
The entries and registration form must be submitted to the Youth League Committee’s email address 3161623858@qq before 12pm on November 12th.com,After the first round of screening,The college will organize a bet365 login games competition at 7pm on November 15th,Recommend 2 students to represent the college in the school competition。
The location will be notified later.
Each regiment branch is required to submit at least one piece of work.
5. Participation Instructions
The requirements for entries are as follows:
(1) The content of the work is positive,Must focus on red bet365 login games culture,The work can be an existing red bet365 login games,You can also create your own;
(2) There is no limit on the theme of the work;
(3) The performance duration of the work shall not exceed 5 minutes;
(4) The recitation needs to be accompanied by background music and background pictures、Image or PPT material, etc.,The materials are prepared by the participating individuals or teams themselves、Provided;
(5) The recitation must be in Mandarin.
Recitation works will be submitted in video form,Also attached is the bet365 login games manuscript,The file is named "Professional Class—Name"。
6. Award setting
The college will select 2 first prize winners,3 second prizes,5 third prizes.Awarding certificates of honor and prizes。
Computer Youth League Committee
November 8, 2019