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Bet365 Information

Summary of Bet365 recruitment information from School of Computer Science, Central South University on March 20, 2022

Source: Click: Time: Bet365 19, 2022 23:50

1. Listed enterprise-Shenzhen Hua Xida

Shenzhen City
[Job salary]
1.Industrial Research Category: Software Engineer、Operation and Maintenance Engineer、ID Designer、Hardware Engineer、Structural Engineer、Test Engineer、Certified Engineer、Project Engineer、Technical Support Engineer、Product Engineer 2.Market Overseas Sales Specialist、Overseas Market Specialist 3.Functional accounting、Shipping、Purchasing、Delivery Plan、Human Resources
[Delivery method]
1①Send your resume by email: Bet365-Major-Applying Position Name-Name hr@sdmctech.com ②Scan the QR code to submit your resume: Bet365 Recruitment Information-Select Position-Submit Resume
[Lecture time]
2022-03-23 ​​16:00:00
[Preaching Location]
Tencent meeting link: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/5j70Upu6B9jz (Conference ID: 596-827-344)
[Bet365 link]

2. DP Technology

Hangzhou, Beijing and other provincial capitals across the country
[Job salary]
[Salary and Benefits] Undergraduate annual salary 15W-20W,Master’s annual salary 20W-25W,Those with excellent interview results can enjoy sp offer!Can enjoy a subsidy of RMB 20,000-60,000 from the Hangzhou Municipal Government,Excellent performance after joining can enjoy equity incentives! [Bet365 position] Pre-sales technical engineer/technical support engineer/development engineer/test engineer/FPGA engineer/hardware engineer/network security engineer
[Delivery method]
[Online application address] zhaopin.dptech.com
[Lecture time]
2022-03-23 ​​19:00:00
[Preaching Location]
[Meeting link] Tencent meeting: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/wYuWAQQZ7fXd,Conference number: 107-468-895
[Bet365 link]

Address: Bet365 Building of Central South University, Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province Contact: 0731-88836659

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