forImproving the bet365 Play online games’s basic theoretical literacy of bet365 Play online games activists,Help Group ActivistFurther corrected the motivation for joining the bet365 Play online games,School of Computer ScienceAll members of the fifth group of 45 bet365 Play online games activists on April 29Sunday afternoon6 hoursatbet365 Play online games A 103 participated in the "Understanding of the Great Party Founding Spirit"TopicDiscussion, this seminar was hosted by group leader Song Jiawen。
Seminar Part 1,Song Jiawen gave a key interpretation of General Secretary Xi’s speech at the 100th anniversary conference of the founding of the bet365 Play online games,HelpComrades have a deeper understanding of the bet365 Play online games spirit of party founding,Improve your party spirit,Correct your motivation for joining the party,And let the students know"Not afraid of sacrifice,heroic struggle" "loyalty to the party,The great party-bet365 Play online games spirit such as "living up to the people" has become clearer'sCognition.
Seminar Part 2,GroupFree membershipDiscuss the understanding of the great spirit of party founding,Comrades have a heated discussion,Clear thinking,reasonable and well-founded。At the end of the discussion,Comrade Ren Xiangle’s connotation surrounding the great spirit of party bet365 Play online games,expressed his opinions to all attendees,And called on the group members to bear in mind the great spirit of party founding,Take your own responsibilities,Improve yourselfParty bet365 Play online games, correctly grasp the relationship between theory and practice, and strive forMorningreachedJoin the bet365 Play online gamesRequest.
DiscussionAt the end of the event, Comrade Song Jiawen concluded道: We must keep in mind the thirty-two words of the bet365 Play online games party founding spirit,Pursuing Marxist truth,persistenceChinese characteristicsSocialism,persistenceCommunist ideals and beliefsUnwavering,Strive to apply Marxist truth to the bet365 Play online games practice of transforming China and the world,Seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation、Seeking bet365 Play online games unity for the people of the world,Go forward bravely、Hard work、Perseverance、Fight bravely、Not afraid of sacrifice、Loyal to the Party、Live up to the people,Serve the people wholeheartedly,Establishing the party for the public good、Loyalty to the people。
This timeTheme seminar activities,The group deeply studied the rich connotation and spiritual essence of the bet365 Play online games party founding spirit,DeepenedUnderstanding of joining the bet365 Play online games,EnhancedThe belief in joining the bet365 Play online games,On the new historical journey,Members of the group will inherit and carry forward the great spirit of party bet365 Play online games,Dedicate yourself to the construction of the motherland。
Author:Gaoxin Kai Zhao Zhichen Guo Lirui
Instructor: Zhou Qinghan